About the author

Geraldine Terry MD MS RN is an Associate Professor in the Kirkhof College of Nursing at Grand Valley State University.  Dr. Terry graduated with her MD from Michigan State University and completed a Pediatric Residency at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.  Her MS is Parent-Child Nursing from the University of Michigan, and her BSN is from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.  Dr. Terry worked almost ten years as staff nurse in obstetrics and pediatrics before attending medical school.  For the next 20 years of her healthcare career, she provided primary care pediatrics in Southeast Michigan, rural Indiana, and central Florida.  About ten years ago, Dr. Terry came to Grand Valley State University to teach, precept, and mentor healthcare students.  She has taught pediatric health, physical assessment, pathophysiology, and interprofessional education.

Dr. Terry’s scholarship is teaching and learning interprofessional practice.  She has given presentations on teaching to the competencies related to interprofessional practice as well as contributed to published case studies and simulations.  This open education resource is the cumulative effort to present her knowledge concerning the teaching interprofessional education as well as important aspects concerning structural competency, conflict and bullying in healthcare, and polarity thinking.

Dr. Terry and her husband have been married for 42 years, raised one daughter. They are gentlemen farmers and grow corn and soybeans.  They live only a short drive to Lake Michigan where they enjoy swimming and walking the beach.


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Interprofessional Education Lab Manual And Workbook Copyright © by Geraldine Terry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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