Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU-7 Delirium Severity Scale

Title Question(s) Points
Acute onset or fluctuation of mental status:
  • Is the patient different than his/her baseline mental status?
  • Has the patient had any fluctuation in mental status in the last 24 hours as evidenced by fluctuation on a sedation/level of consciousness scale (such as RASS or GCS)?
  • 0 for absent
  • 1 for present
Inattention Say to the patient, “I am going to read you a series of 10 letters. Whenever you hear the letter “A”, indicate by squeezing my hand.” Read letters from the following letter list in a normal tone 3 seconds apart. “SAVEAHAART” (Errors are counted when patient fails to squeeze on the letter “A” or when the patient squeezes on any letter other than “A.”)
  • 0 for absent (correct 8 or more)
  • 1 for inattention (correct 4-7)
  • 2 for severe inattention (correct 0-3)
Altered Level of Consciousness Present if the actual Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale Score is anything other than alert and calm (zero)
  • 0 for absent
  • 1 for altered level (RASS:1, -1)
  • 2 for severe altered (RASS:>1, <-1)
Disorganized Thinking
  • Yes/No questions:
    • Will a stone float on water?
    • Are there fish in the sea?
    • Does one pound weigh more than two pounds?
    • Can you use a hammer to pound a nail?
    • Errors are counted when the patient incorrectly answers a question
  • Command: Say to patient “Hold up this many fingers” (Hold two Fingers in front of patient). “Now do the same with the other hand” (Do not repeat number of fingers)
    • An error is counted if patient is unable to complete entire command
  • 0 for absent (correct 4 or more)
  • 1 for disorganized (correct 2-3)
  • 2 for severe (correct 0-1)


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Reference Notes for Palliative Care Consultation Copyright © 2018 by Robert F. Johnson MD, MEd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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