44 PCN Neuro-Cognitive Behavioral Assessment Terms
Mental Status
- Oriented:
- aware of person, place, time, season
- Inattention:
- difficult in focusing attention
- easily distracted
- difficulty in following conversation
- Disorganized Thinking:
- incoherent, rambling, irrelevant
- unclear, illogical flow of ideas
- Altered Level of Consciousness (LOC):
- vigilant – startled easily
- lethargic – repeatedly dozes off but responds to touch or voice
- stuporous – very difficult to arouse
- comatose – cannot be aroused
- Psychomotor Retardation:
- unusually decreased level of activity
- sluggish
- staring into space
- sitting/lying in one position
Cognitive Skills for Daily Decision-Making
- Independent:
- decisions consistent and reasonable
- Modified Independence:
- some difficulty in new situations only
- Moderately Impaired:
- decisions poor
- cues and/or supervision required
- Severely Impaired:
- never or rarely makes decisions