25 PCN Adjustment Disorder
Adjustment Disorder:
Emotional and/or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor, within 3 months of onset of stressor – symptoms evidenced by:
- Marked distress in excess of what would be expected
- Social/occupational impairment
Stress-related disturbance does not meet criteria for another diagnosis and is not an exacerbation of pre-existing diagnosis; does not represent expected bereavement; once stressor has terminated, does not continue for more than an additional 6 months
Diagnostic criteria:
- Onset of symptoms must occur within 1 month of stressor (not unusual or catastrophic)
- Manifests behavior disturbances found in any affective disorder (except delusions and hallucinations), neurotic disorder, stress-related disorder, somatoform disorder, or conduct disorder BUT criteria for any individual disorder not met
Example symptom features:
- Brief depressive reaction, transient, mild, less than 1 month
- Mixed anxiety/depression
- Predominant conduct disorder
- Mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct
- Prolonged depressive reaction, mild depressive state occurring in response to prolonged exposure to stressful situation (not more than 2 years)