105 Opioid Risk Variables / Aberrent Behaviors
Risk Variables
- Family History
- Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, Prescription agents
- Personal History
- Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, Prescription agents
- Age (16-45)
- History preadolescent sexual abuse
- Psychologic/Psychiatric Disease:
- ADD, OCD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Depression
Aberrant Behaviors – more predictive:
- Selling prescription drugs
- Prescription forgery
- Stealing/”borrowing”
- Injecting oral drugs
- Multiple drugs
- Unsanctioned escalation
- Resisting change despite side effects
- Prescription losses
Aberrant Behaviors – less predictive:
- Aggressive complaining about need for increased doses
- Drug hoarding
- Specific drug request
- Use of drug to treat other symptoms
- Multiple escalations