
writing spaces

Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide range of topics about writing. In each chapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies for writing by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing on their own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to join in the larger conversation about the craft of writing. Consequently, each essay functions as a standalone text that can easily complement other selected readings in first year writing or writing-intensive courses across the disciplines at any level.

Volume 4 continues the tradition of previous volumes with diverse topics like place-based research, source credibility, technologies of trust, equitable language practices, social media, accessibility, feedback, racial literacy, research communities, privacy and digital technologies, navigating social contexts, writing workflows, transfer, grading, genre, writing for social change, and more. Teaching strategies and discussion questions follow each chapter.

All volumes in the series are published under a Creative Commons license and available for download at the Writing Spaces website (writingspaces.org), Parlor Press (parlorpress.com), and the WAC Clearinghouse (wac.colostate.edu/).


writing spaces

editors: Dana Lynn Driscoll, Megan Heise, Mary K. Stewart, & Matthew Vetter


3015 Brackenberry Drive

Anderson, South Carolina 29621


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S A N: 2 5 4 – 8 8 7 9

ISBN 978-1-64317-271-2