
10 Selected 12 Lead ECG Anomalies

Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction

Conduction Defects in the Bundle Branches

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy


Interpretation of the myriad of 12 lead ECG anomalies and conditions is beyond the scope of an entry-level course focused on cardiac rehabilitation. However, there are a few very common 12 lead ECG conditions that the exercise science professional will no doubt come across when they work in the field of cardiac rehab. Therefore, this chapter will focus on the common and very important ECG anomalies.

Myocardial Ischemia

In a normal healthy human heart blood supply to the myocardium is plentiful. Indeed, even at peak exercise intensity, the heart is still getting the required oxygen, and work limitations become the rate of oxygen delivery to the exercising tissues and the overall strength of the heart (cardiac output). Atherosclerosis and the resulting coronary occlusions that occur begin to reduce blood supply to the myocardium. At rest the patient may not notice this reduction since their myocardial oxygen demand is low.


Oxygen supply vs demand
Figure 1. Myocardial Oxygen Supply vs Demand. Healthy myocardial tissue is maintained by a constant supply of blood and oxygen. Disruption in supply is the key factor in vascular disease. As supply is reduced, myocardial work becomes limited, leading to reduced oxygen to the heart. This is ischemia.


As the demand for oxygen increases within the myocardial tissue, the distribution of flow to the heart sees limitations typically within the sub endocardium first. This is due to the limited perfusion of the tissue from limited supply. It is a bit like dropping a bit of water on a dry sponge; the top layers get saturated, but lowest layers are still dry.

This subendocardial ischemia creates limitations on oxidative metabolism, leading to anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid formation. The reduced pH causes changes to the ECG, specifically to the ST segment. The ST segment drops below the isoelectric line and is referred to as ST segment depression.

Subendocardial ischemia
Figure 2. Subendocardial ischemia and ST segment depression. The Red area represents subendocardial tissue lacking oxygen, creating an acidic environment. The ECG is affected by this drop in pH. Note the depression of the ST segment (dotted) below the isoelectric line (red lines).

ST segment depression is assessed both by morphology (shape) as well as the amount (in mm) for depression. Here is an example:

ST depression
Figure 3. ST segment depression. Note the various morphologies of the depression. Depression will also vary by magnitude (i.e. 1mm is not as bad as 4mm of depression).


The exercise science professional needs to monitor the ECG during exercise with cardiac patients and be able to recognize ST depression. Patients need to avoid ischemic during exercise, so if ST depression is seen, a blood pressure and heart rate is taken to determine myocardial oxygen demand (rate pressure product) and then work is reduced.


Other conditions where you might see ST depression.

There are other conditions that are non-ischemic in nature, but also display ST segment depression. These include:

  • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Left bundle branch block
  • Right bundle branch block
  • Effects of digoxin (heart medication)
  • Reciprocal, mirror like effects (in opposite leads) of ST elevation in acute MI

Due to the various causes of ST segment depression, it is important to have a complete patient history as well as a resting ECG to rule out some of the other causes of ST depression before proceeding with the conclusion that myocardial ischemia is the cause.


Myocardial Infarction:  “MI”


A myocardial infarction occurs when blood flow through a coronary artery is completely blocked, often due to a blood clot or ruptured plaque. Downstream flow from the occlusion is stopped, and depending on the size of the area affected, can lead to sudden death. Within one hour the cells affected by the lack of flow will die, so reperfusion is essential.

Myocardial infarction
Figure 4. Myocardial Infarction. A coronary artery is occluded. Downstream flow is blocked, resulting in cardiac cell death.

ECG Indicator of the MI

Determining whether an MI is occurring is done both with ECG evidence as well as blood markers that indicate cardiac cell death. For the ECG, we can see dramatic changes to the ECG. During an acute MI the ST segment is elevated and seen in leads corresponding to the affected area of the heart. In the opposing leads ST segment depression is seen. Myocardial infarctions that show this ST segment elevation are referred to as STEMIs (“ST segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Since the ECG change does not always occur, one can see non-STEMI infarcts as well. This ST elevation is only seen in the acute phase of the MI. Overtime, the ST segment begins to return to baseline, while at the same time a large Q wave begins to appear. The Q wave becomes the “scar” left over as evidence of the past MI.

Evolving MI
Figure 5. The evolving MI. Prior to MI (a) the ST segment is inline with isoelectric line. During the acute MI, the ST segment is elevated (b). Over a week or more the MI evolves and the ST segment begins to drop to baseline, while a Q wave developed (c,d). Weeks later the ST segment is normal, but the large Q wave remains (e).

Blood Markers for MI

Within the blood, one can measure enzymes and proteins that normally would be inside the cardiac cells. However, if they appear in the blood, that indicates cardiac cell death.

Troponin I This protein is part of the sarcomere and integral to cell contraction. The Troponin type “I” is specific to cardiac muscle, so if seen in the blood is a positive indicator for an infarction.

Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB)- Creatine kinase is an enzyme within the sarcomere that helps liberate the phosphate energy from phosphocreatine. There are different isoenzymes of “CK” and when run through gel electrophoresis, the myocardial band (MB) can be easily identified. The presence of CK-MB in the blood therefore indicates cardiac sarcomere damage and confirms the infarction.

Other conditions where you might see ST segment elevation

  • Coronary vasospasms
  • Pericarditis
  • Ventricular aneurism
  • Left bundle branch block

Can you identify the location of the STEMI?

Acute MI
Figure 6. Locate the acute MI. Which leads have ST segment depression. Do you notice the reciprocal ST depression in the opposing leads? Can you identify the location on the heart and probable artery affected (hint see table 1 in chapter 9).


The exercise science professional may only see the acute STEMI ECG by reading patient case histories, but it is still important to assess the starting ECG, identify any significant Q waves due to the past MI and recognize ST elevation so that prompt action can be taken in the event of its occurrence.


Conduction Defects in the Bundle Branches

Left and Right Bundle Branch Blocks


A previous chapter discussed the rhythm disturbances that occur when there is a delay of block in conduction at the AV node. These delays can cause significant changes in the ventricular rate, leading to a loss in cardiac output. If we move beyond the AV node, and move further into the ventricle, we encounter the bundle branches. The left bundle branch is the first path for the electrical signal from the AV node, which causes depolarization of the left ventricle. Then it separates to include a right bundle branch, depolarizing the right ventricle. The bundle branches further divide into smaller fascicles and finally the Purkinje fibers, creating an extensive network of fast conducting fibers, resulting in an almost simultaneous ventricle contraction in both ventricles.

Bundle branches
Figure 7. The electrical conduction system of the heart. Note that after the AV bundle the left bundle branch is stimulated, and quickly separates to include the right bundle branch. This conduction system ensures almost simultaneous ventricular contraction.


Delays in the conduction of signals through the bundle branch will affect the QRS complex and delay the ventricular depolarization cycle. Delays may only affect the right bundle branch or may affect the left. Affecting the left bundle branch shows a more dramatic alteration in the ECG, since the left bundle is the initial bundle coming from the AV node. Let’s examine the 12 lead ECG for both the right and left bundle branch blocks.

Right Bundle Branch Block

Most of the QRS complex that we see is from the depolarization of the left ventricle, with the right bundle and ventricle presences seen in the latter portion of the QRS. For that reason, delays in conduction through the right bundle branch will cause delays in the QRS on the “back” portion of the QRS. In certain leads this means that the S wave will show a widened appearance (key leads are Lead I and V6, and in other leads (key lead is V1) a second R wave will be seen.

Key Indicators of a Right Bundle Branch Block

  • Wide QRS complex (>0.12s)
  • Lead 1, V6 wide S wave
  • RSR’ in lead V1 (second r wave seen)
Right Bundle Branch Block
Figure 8. Right Bundle Branch Block. Note wide QRS. Circled areas identify wide S waves in lead I and V6. Note circled area in V1 with RSR’ (r wave, then s wave, then a second r wave). Evidence of the delay can also be seen in other leads.

Causes and Clinical Significance

The right bundle branch block is considered a benign (non-significant) clinical condition. No medical treatments are given. Causes include:

  • Normal aging of the conduction system (idiopathic)
  • Congenital condition with no clinical indication
  • Myocardial infarction (develops post MI)
  • Hypertension
  • Lesions or scar tissue from myopathy or infarct

Left Bundle Branch Block

Unlike the right bundle branch block, the left bundle branch block (LBBB) is related to some type of underlying clinical pathology or condition. The left bundle branch is supplied blood by the left anterior descending coronary artery, so an MI or occlusion of the LAD may link directly to the LBBB. From a depolarization perspective, a LBBB causes a reversal of the sequence of depolarization. Normally the ventricle depolarizes from left to right. However, with a blocked left bundle branch, the signal must travel first to the right ventricle and then slowly travel across to the left ventricle. When this occurs, once can see a separation of the two ventricles depolarizing, and “notched” waves are see the conduction delays are significant, and the QRS complex is wide (>0.12s).



Key Indicators of Left Bundle Branch Block

  • Wide QRS (> 0.12s)
  • Notched QRS (“M” shape or “W” shape) seen in multiple leads
  • ST segment depression and T wave inversion (“strain pattern”)
  • QS wave in V1 or RS seen
Left bundle branch block notching
Figure 9. Notching seen in LBBB. Due to the delay and sequential ventricle depolarization (rather than simultaneous) we see both ventricular depolarizations, evidenced by the “M” or “W” shaped notching.


Figure 10. Left bundle branch block. Note the wide QRS. Notching seen in leads I,II, aVR, aVF,V4,V5)

Causes and Clinical Significance

LBBB is clinically significant and related to some type of pathology. These can include:

  • Coronary Artery disease (especially LAD)
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
BBB quiz
Figure 11. Name the Bundle Branch Block! (which one is the RBBB and which is the LBBB?)


Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

The left ventricle is responsible for ejecting blood into systemic circulation and is larger than the right ventricle. Ventricular hypertrophy can be a natural conditioning effect, as seen in aerobic athletes. In this case the ventricular chamber size increases, the muscle becomes proportionally stronger, and the chamber maintains an ideal shape for blood ejection. However, with clinical populations, left ventricular hypertrophy is a result of some type of chronic condition that causes a pressure overload stress on the ventricle, impairing ejection. As a result, there are physical changes to the ventricle that reduce its pumping effectiveness (reduced ejection fraction).

Most commonly, the pressure stress is related to chronic hypertension, so it is not surprising that left ventricular hypertrophy is a relatively common condition. Identifying LVH on the ECG is an important part of understanding the patient’s condition. The most dramatic changes to the ventricle seen in LVH is a thickening of the left ventricle along with a dilation of the chamber that alters its shape and reduces contraction strength. On the ECG the added thickness of the myocardium can be seen by a lengthening of the ventricular depolarization (wide QRS) along with an increased voltage magnitude (large QRS complexes). Repolarization of the ventricle is also affected, and often a combination of ST segment depression along with T wave inversion is seen. This unique repolarization change is known as Left Ventricular Strain, and can also be seen in other heart conditions (LBBB).

Key Indicators of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

  • S wave in V1, plus the R wave in V5 or V6 (whichever is larger). Total > 35mm
  • Left Ventricular Strain Pattern (ST segment depression, T wave inversion
  • Wide QRS (>0.10)
  • Left axis deviation (greater than -30 degrees)

Note, the ECG may not show all of these indicators, but most often voltage increases and LV strain.

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Figure 12. Left ventricular hypertrophy. Measure the voltage above. See the marks to help you measure from V1 S wave from isoelectric line to tip of S wave, and V5 from isoelectric line to tip of R wave. What is the total? Over 35mm? Do you see any strain pattern (ST depression, T wave inversion)?

Causes and Clinical Significance

Left ventricular hypertrophy is common in patients with a range of clinical conditions. Causes and conditions include:

  • Hypertension
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Coronary Artery Disease
Figure 13. LVH plus one other anomaly! Can you identify some key criteria for LVH? Test for the key indicators. Extra! Note large Q waves in leads II, III and aVF. What could that mean?


The exercise science professional should be able to identify LVH as part of the overall case history of the patient. Linking what is seen on the ECG with the clinical condition of the patient helps create a comprehensive understanding of their condition, a first step to designing exercise plans.


Selected Sources




Clinical Exercise Electrocardiography Levine S, Coyne B, Colvin L,. Jones & Bartlett Pub. 2015.

Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography. 13th ed. Straussn D, and Schocken D. Wolters Kluwer Pub. 2021

EKG/ECG Interpretation.  Mastenbjork M, Meloni S., Andersson D. Medical Creations Pub. 2016
