Create Your Own OER
Grand Valley Pressbooks is an easy-to-use publishing platform for creating professional, accessible, and openly available textbooks and educational materials.
About Grand Valley Pressbooks
The PressbooksEDU publishing tools are free for GVSU faculty and staff, with support from the University Libraries.
What are OER?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are “teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others.”
The OER combination of “free (to access) + permissions (to reuse and adapt)” lowers student costs and empowers innovative pedagogical approaches by faculty.
Library Grants for Developing OER
The University Libraries are excited to announce the following funding opportunities for GVSU faculty developing Open Textbooks and other materials. Eligible faculty include tenure-track, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct faculty.
- OER Development Minigrant – up to $500 for costs related to developing and publishing OER.
- Remix/Revise/Refine Stipend – a $1000 salary supplement for developing OER based on a mix of existing OER or your own materials.
- Open Textbook Authoring Program – a year-long cohort program beginning Winter 2022, focused on developing open textbooks from scratch.